Paul Moore


Paul Moore is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Ryerson University and serves as Ryerson Director of the Joint Graduate Program in Communication and Culture with York University (2012-2015). His research interests include media history, urban studies, newspapers, and film exhibition. In 2010, he received the Provost’s Experiential Teaching Award and in 2009, the Canadian Communication Association awarded his book, Now Playing: Early Moviegoing and the Regulation of Fun, the Gertrude J. Robinson Prize for Best Book Published in 2008. Moore has published several book chapters, most recently “The Flow of Amusement: The First Year of Cinema in the Red River Valley” in Conway and Pasch’s Borderlands and Breaking Points: Tension Across the 49th Parallel (2014) and has written articles for the Canadian Journal of Film Studies and the Canadian Journal of Communication. His book (co-authored book with Sandra Gabriele), The Sunday Paper: The Print Circulation of Magazine, Film, and Radio Features in North America, 1888-1922, is forthcoming from the University of Illinois Press. Moore will serve on the Advisory Board for Project Arclight.