A Digital Archivist, Peter Gorman is the Head of Digital Collections for the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries where he manages the program for digital collections. The libraries contain 70 collections comprising more than 2.5 million digital objects. Gorman holds a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science, with an emphasis on information systems technologies, and has shared his research through numerous publications and conference presentations, including a paper on digital collections infrastructure at the 2010 Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries Conference. Gorman serves a pivotal role as the Head of Digital Collections. He designs technical architecture for digital repositories, workflow, resource discovery, preservation, and associated infrastructure; manages software development for digital collection infrastructure and access; assists in developing and coordinating IT strategies for university libraries; and represents UW-Madison and the University of Wisconsin System on consortial and international committees concerned with digital library services and technologies. A leading figure in digital archives and text encoding, in Project Arclight Gorman will collaborate with PhD student Derek Long on data preservation.